Tuesday 29 July 2014


As you may know, Becca has left for pastures new (no pun intended!) and I have stepped in as blogger,  making posters etc. I have been a SWA member for 2 years and  have run Stokes Wood Primary school plot for about 5 years now.
I hope to be able to keep you informed with what's going on at our site.

So...... we still would appreciate ANY help whatsoever and if you would like to become a committee member, read on!

As a member of the committee you would be asked to join us at our monthly Monday evening meetings where we discuss site maintenance, plan events such as the Open Day, Horticultural Show and craft fairs, and go through the general day-to-day business of running the site. In addition to this, committee members also try to help out at our events.

 If you would like to sit in on a meeting, to test the waters before you make a commitment, we are more than happy for you to do so (we promise we won't be offended if you decide you don't like it!). We meet at 6:45pm in the Pavilion, on the first Monday of every month. Meetings tend to last about 1-1/12 hours.

We're also in need of the following, whether as committee members or just willing helpers:

  • anyone with useful maintenance skills, and/or a willingness to help Derek and the site maintenance team,
  • anyone who knows anything about security, to help us combat break-ins
  • anyone with a hygiene certificate (or who would be interested in getting one), and/or can help out in the kitchen at weekend events,
  • people to help out at our events; manning stalls, BBQ, kitchen, distributing posters or other publicising, gathering tombola prizes, organizing extra tables/gazebos etc where necessary
  • anyone who knows they can be available and on-site during shop opening hours, to help Maureen.
If you think you would like to help out, please speak to a member of the committee - Adrian, Bob, Derek, Maureen, Sally, Tony or Veronica (you can find our respective plot numbers on the notice board at the end of the entrance drive) or email stokeswoodallotments@gmail.com


Come and see us at our open day on Saturday 9th August
There will be plenty to buy , drink and eat, including:
Hot sausage sizzle
Home-made cakes (Naughty but VERY nice!)
Tea and coffee
Selection of refreshing cold drinks
Fantastic allotment grown vegetables and fruit for sale
Various craft stalls