Contacts & Shop

 Our email address is

You'll find a list of your committee members, and their respective plot numbers, on the notice board at the top of the drive. If you need assistance when you are on site, please try to find one of them and they will do their best to help you.

Alternatively you can contact Veronica Bolsover, chair on 01162 621991

Shop opening times*
Tuesdays and Thursdays 10.30am - 3pm
Sundays 10.30am - 12pm

* Due to the sad loss of site secretary Barry, shop opening times may be sporadic. Maureen will do her best to keep the shop open during these hours, but cannot guarantee that she can be on site for these exact periods. However, she will gladly open the shop for you if she's there.You can be find at her plot on the bottom row (see the list on the notice board for her plot number).